Today we celebrate the joyous occasion of the birth of Dawson Gregory who was born at 7:11 a.m. exactly 3 years ago.
I can't believe he's 3. I mourned his 2 year old status for several days as a matter of fact. I'm not prepared for this growing up business but it seems to just keep happening without my consent. Some things, God chooses to do without my consent.
In the meantime, before I go into the festivities that took place in our home last night in honor of Dawson G, I'd like to state for the record that I took Nyquil last night. Everyone should know that it takes a dose of Dayquil the next morning in order for me to get off the Nyquil. Unfortunately, we are out of Dayquil and thefore I cannot make any promises regarding the cohesivenes of this post. Or for any spelling errors. That is my disclaimer. Thank you.
And now let the festivities begin.
First we have me in my pre-birthday baking garb:
I wanted show off my Kitchen-Aid Mixer skillz.
Then we have party peeps arriving at approximately 7:00 p.m. because the party was supposed to start at 6:30. Perhaps I've already mentioned my family's acuity for lateness? Did I totally use the word acuity out of context? Don't tell me. I have a disclaimer. I'm working off the Nyquil.
Here's the birthday boy
The birthday boy close up.
The birthday parents with the birthday boy.
One of the special items for this birthday year was the presence of Dawson's Grammy G and Grandpa Greg (his namesake).
Dawson waiting patiently for his cake to be brought out.
One of the highlights of the night was being able to include my sister Bobbie in the festivities. Because... both of my sisters have WEBCAM!
Our we a technologically advanced family or what?
We may be dysfunctional, but we have WEBCAM!
It took an insane amount of time to get the webcam to work, but once we got it going, it was well worth it. I was so thrilled I took pictures!
My sister Bobbie as we still tried figuring out how to get ourselves projected to her.

Then we figured it out and the house erupted in craziness.
Well, my sister Karen and I erupted in craziness.
The especially neat thing was the fact that it was my sister Bobbie's birthday yesterday! We planned to have her computeritacally present for the party to sing to her as well. Nyquil helps you make up all kinds of great new words like computeratically.
Time for singing and cake!
Eating cake...
And time for presents...
This year since times are tough, I had asked everyone to make Dawson a homemade birthday card as a keepsake, rather than buying him b-day presents. Instead some people did both! My sister Karen made this neat scrapbook picture keepsake.
Then we hugged:
We won't event talk about the 3 days of harassing from Dawson trying to get us to give him the toy dinosaurs we bought for him for his birthday. He had to go shopping with us so he saw everything we got him. Not recommended.
And then...
There was TRASH.
Party's over.
Happy Birthday Dawson!
yea for february birthdays! it looks it was a great time! :)
Happy (Belated, sorry I'm always a day or two late and $50-500. short) Birthday, Dawson! 20 hours preparation for 3 hours of party...
wow time flies!! Happy Birthday to sweet Dawson!! hope you get a little sibling for a bday gift ;-)
Happy Birthday Dawson!!! a little behind too!! Im sure he'll have fun with all his presents!! Im sure you had fun cleaning up...always the best part;) haha
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