Last Saturday we had a baby shower for my niece Felicia. She is due the beginning of September and she looks like she's the same size I was when I was only 3 months pregnant! She's so tiny!
She knows she's having a baby girl: Nevaeh, is her name. Which is Heaven spelled backward even though it took me about 10 minutes to spell that word backward in my mind to make sure I typed it correctly. Spell check will probably still tell me I'm wrong.

My sisters and I planned the whole thing out to a T. We did an excellent job if I might say so myself. Although I was the only sister who SHOWED UP ON TIME but I won't mention that here.
Felicia with her sister Shadow.
Shadow wrote Felicia a poem that made us all cry. Good thing I don't wear makeup.
If you look close enough at the cake, you will see the spot where Dawson stuck his finger and swiped it across for a nice taste of the frosting... right after she sat the cake down on the table!
I'm proud of the refreshment table. It takes a creative mind to make a refreshment table look splendid. Although it wasn't my creative mind that did so.

Who can pass up a chocolate fountain at a party?! I personally ate 9.27 rice krispy treats dunked in the chocolate pool.
Time for games!

Shadow chose my Aunt and one of Felicia's friends to dress a baby blindfolded. Supposed to give them the real time feel of taking care of a baby at midnight that has pooped it's pants. These dolls didn't cry though. So in the background you can hear me going WAH!! For 10 consecutive minutes to make the game seem more realistic.
My sister Bobbie had everyone see how many safety pins they could find in a bowl of rice while keeping their eyes closed. They had a time limit. This game is surprisingly difficult! I had everyone play the "memorize the tray" game. Anita cheated.
Let's open gifts!

Gift table. Girl ready to open gifts on gift table.
Karen made this awesome "diaper cake". She's got skillz!

I got her this diaper bag. My sister got her a diaper bag that was bigger and better. Hmph.

Cousin Debbie made this beautiful quilt for baby girl.

Flip with Dawson.
Apparently baby girl slept through the gifts and wanted to come out and play when it was over. I could feel her little feet poking through.
Parties over. Time for pictures!

My mom and sister Bobbie with (most) of mom's sisters. They all look alike!
All of us girls:

You can plainly see none of us girls are happy with our hair color. We ALL highlight the same color.
Come soon baby Nevaeh! We're excited to meet you!
Love, Aunt Joy
well miss joy! i was actually thinking about how i loved your highlighted hair color! you're looking great!
Joy, Loved the pictures, all very nice...hey can you send me your email address, need to consort with you about Labor Day weekend, I hear you're goin' west while Joe's comin' north same weekend...
thanks, deb.
Baby. Cake. Cutting baby with Knife. Chomping on babycake leg.
I don't know. I'm speechless.
Seems like it was only yesterday we were having a baby shower for you!!
hey funny friend....looks like fun was had by all. love your family! :) i know i need to call you. sorry, it's been a bit crazy know unpacking and all. i know...excuses! ha! love you!
hey funny friend....looks like fun was had by all. love your family! :) i know i need to call you. sorry, it's been a bit crazy know unpacking and all. i know...excuses! ha! love you!
You know, Joy, I no longer record my own life events; I simply wait until you Blog them for me. You're so much funnier... Maybe it's because you were higher than a kite on chocolate. Make sure you get the previous comment from Vacation Blog. I love you a lot!!Bobbie
I LOVE Iney cake... I could eat a WHOLE one of her cakes...
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