Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Gramma KK

Saturday Morning.. Mom called and asked if she could come over and play with Dawson. to which we replied, yes of course. Jason and I got up and went to the Y to workout and gramma KK watched Dawson. She brought him blue juice! He was really rather animated while he drank it. She also brought him 2 cute outfits.

 Saturday evening, we had our first babysitters come over. This is Rachel and her younger sister Miranda. I met their mom at work and I absolutely adore her, so I figured hey, what the heck, I may as well like her kids too. Jason and I went out with some friends of ours to Cabella's and then to Best Buy to look at washers/dryers. What a date. We came home and Dawson loved Rachel and her sister. So we're keeping them.

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