Friday, September 7, 2007

By Popular Demand...

I received several emails asking me to post the pictures of the family day we had at my sister Karen's house about a month ago.
 It was the day that my mom and the kids had planned and performed a play for us. Kazlan was the princess and I think she's had practice at being a princess because she play the role quite well. Corbin read jokes, Kadan and Karen both played parts but they were names that I can't spell or pronounce (even though I did nearly win the 5th grade spelling bee) and you can plainly see Dawson was baby Moses. He's an aspiring actor.
Kazlan's big debut brought out by Jason and Jose sitting on a boogie board.
Striking a pose for her paparazzi
I just love this kitten they have. He will sleep anywhere and you could carry him around by his ears and he'd purr. He's so sweet.
The first part of the afternoon was spent swimming of course. Dawson loves water! I think we have an Olympian on our hands. As a matter of fact, yesterday was the toddler swim day at the Y where he goes to daycare and his teacher told me that she was getting the other toddlers put into their little "boats" as she calls them and Dawson decided to jump right in. He slides in and holds onto the side wall waiting for her to get her butt in so he could swim! He even went under a few times and would push off her leg and come back up.
He was cracking us up because he was determined to keep climbing up and down the steps into the pool. Poor mom, she just waited at the edge of the steps to make sure he didn't fall in. Finally we put water wings on him because he was so determined and he swam with mom.
My sister Anita and her boyfriend Jose
And.. my little olympian

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