Just wanting to post some pics of our friends. Thought they'd feel special seeing their smiling peeps on the blog you know.

This is Josh and Steph. Josh works with Jason. We are going to California with them in February.

Here's Ashley and Andrew. I work with both of them. In a round-about way.
Neither of these guys have a baby yet. And becaues of this reason...Both of whom we've suckered into babysitting Dawson for us at one time or another. ha!
Ashley and Andrew were just over a few weekends ago. When Dawson decided he was going to copy everything Jason and I were doing...
Isn't he funny? He's saying so many more new things now. He loves bebast! (breakfast).
Oh! And I wanted to finally get the story straight about his little accident he had last week. I got the right version now. Which is nothing like the original in all it's chaotic content.
His class was playing in the gym. Dawson was playing right behind the teacher and she didn't know it. She saw Hailey (another toddler in the class) running toward her and she said "Hailey, I bet you can't get me", and she started running backward... then... *bam*... down went Dawson. So that's the story. I don't know how the other one got misconstrued but it must have been handed down from generations that way.
I think I'm hungry for bebast. Gotta go.
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