Today is Thursday, by the way. In case you were like me... tangled up in the netherworld of timeless wanderings. I just made that phrase up. Pretty good for a girl who is at the moment trying to remember how to type. (and meaning you didn't have to work 10 days and got sleep in an do nothing but bask in the rich goodness of having no demands.. unless you have a toddler.)
Let's get down to the nitty-gritty shall we? Christmas! Where are you?
First Stop: Mom's house. Christmas Eve 2007

-Dawson, enthralled with the ceiling fan.
My family Christmas's are surrounded by food. Glorious food. This year, Anizzle's boyfriend Jose made tamales. Hundreds of them. And that is actually not the only talent that Jose has-take a look at his artistry:
He turned our presents into art-no relation whatsoever to how Jesus turned water into wine. Let's see, there's a mug, a duck and a shopping bag. It makes the rest of our gifts look so.... unhappy.
Hello family! How did Shadow and I both fit into that chair you ask? The answer is that I was practically sitting on top of her.
I'm trying to think of interesting stories to tell of our Christmas get together but nothing is coming to mind. Not because it was boring, but because we all talk at the same time and I can't make my neurons capture that much activity in such a small amount time. However, I can open presents at lightning speed. I bought my mom a crockpot for Christmas because my sister Karizzle told me that she found out mom had been using a fry-daddy as a crockpot because she didn't have one. Or the one she did have was broken. Or something. She also got some lovely drinking water for her coffee pot because her tap water makes her coffee taste bad. Aren't I a good daughter?
Stop 2: My house. Christmas Morning 2007
Dawson got a dump truck for Christmas.
What do toddlers keep in dump trucks?
Cars and helicopters.
Dawson was so much fun to watch this year opening presents.
He just kept saying Open! Open!
Jason got me tickets to see My Fair Lady on broadway when it comes to Indianapolis in March! I'm wondering if they will let me have a guest role, seeing as how I was in that musical in college. No one can beat my cockney accent. I got Jason 2 sets of Discovery Channel's Shark Week dvds. and the Blue Planet dvd series. Most people would find those to be boring. He should have been born in the ocean as a great white.
Last Stop: Dad's house. Christmas Evening 2007
Our final Christmas destination was to my dad's house.
Once we arrived, I waited for dad to commence a big Christmas poker game, but he was outside trying to fix their water line. I love well water! I grew up drinking well water. I was hoping he got it fixed so that I could enjoy a tall refreshing glass of Christmas well water. In the meantime, I drank a Christmas Pepsi. Jack, a very god friend of my dad for many years, and his wife Mary were at my dad's house. They keep their horses on my dad's property. I tried riding one of their horses once, the poor decrepit soul, and I was scared to death but I actually got a trot out of that horse and my butt still hurts.
I gave dad a father/daughter poker set for Christmas. Everytime I want to play poker when I got to his house, he has to put a quarter in for me, so that I can play because I never have any money. So, there was one stack of quarters for him, and one stack of quarters for me, complete with 2 brand-spanking new decks of cards. Las Vegas style! I never win. That's why I don't play the lottery.
What a nice relaxing Christmas we had this year.
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