You are about to embark on quite possibly the funniest thing ever. From my perspective of course.
Jason's parents were able to come out and visit for a while a few weeks ago. We love having them here. Dawson does especially because he gets presents and lots of attention! And because they were here, I was able to meet Jason and some friends at King's Island for a day fritting myself away and being jerked around by wild rides. Quite entertaining. Actually, that's a whole story in itself. We were chased and dive bombed by these nasty locusts called cicadas. (prounounced su-kae-duhs-I had to look that word up online because I had no clue how to spell it. See, I do my research.) We got caught in the middle of a huge thunderstorm and then spent the rest of the afternoon wet, cold and happy because we were cicada free and everyone left the park so we got on rides in five seconds flat. Big tangent.
So, back to my original story. I couldn't wait to introduce Wii to the in-laws. And of course, the first thing we did was create a Mii for each of them. Gloria's Mii looked nothing like her, but Greg... oh my goodness. You must brace yourself for the funniness of which you are about to partake
Gloria out of nowhere was actually kicking butt at bowling. And she screamed with glee after each strike even though Dawson was napping. She couldn't contain her excitement.
One evening my sister Anita and her husband Jose were in town and stopped by to see us, so they got in on the Wii action. I was busting up laughing because Jose really gets into his bowling stance!
I have lots of video of their stay. Take a look...
Before getting all caught up in the New York strip steaks at the end of this video clip, take a moment to really notice Jason's shirt.
Jason taught Dawson the appropriate form for a runner to take at the beginning of a race.

Thanks, Greg & Gloria for the fun and laughs while you were here!
Thanks, Greg & Gloria for the fun and laughs while you were here!
those are great video's. we're all cracking up just watching Dawson crack up - his laugh is contagious! can't believe how much Greg's mii looks like him - too funny! welcome back to blogging Joy - now we have something fun to do this summer!
so can't you just sit on the sofa like a sloth and point and click to play bowling? Or do you have to do the whole arm swing thing?
Fun stuff you have going on in your lives! Jason may want to move the grill away from the house, as my in-laws had their grill up next to their house and over time, the siding has slowly melted and now looks deformed, one wouldn't think it, but quite crazy! Hope all are doing well!
-Male Lurker
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