So I realize that title has nothing to do whatsoever with our Colorado vacation. But last night Dawson was wound up before bed and he repeatedly said this, laughing wildly each time he did. I found it humorous and now you must too.
So Colorado Part II. (that's number 2 not i i)
Where on Tuesdsay we shopped and I came home with:
- 8 dress shirts, most of them for work
- one pair of gauchos
- one pair of jean capri's
- one perfume that I love but cannot afford so I didn't purchase: Paris Hilton Can Can
All for $100. Amen.
No exciting pictures of shopping, what were you expecting?...
While we shopped, Grama G & Grandpa took Dawson to Focus on the Family to play:
After shopping it was a bit of relaxtion:

We allowed ourselves 10 minutes for relaxation. I mean, hey-we're on vacation here! Not really.
Steph & Josh were invited over to see some friends of theirs who turned out to live only about 5 minutes (if that) from where Jason's parents live. The rest of us went to Peterson Air Force Base where Jenessa's fiance works (he's a master tech sargeant) to check out some airplanes for Dawson.
First, we got to invade his office and the building he works in:
The only reason I'm posting the picture of me attempting to get cozy with the freaky statue is because when I started making that face Dawson yelled out "No kisses Mommy!" emphatically and repeated it until the picture was over.
Later that evening, Dawson got his only bath of the week:

I actually didn't get my first fitting for my sis-in-law's bridesmaid dress (I'm the MOH!) until Wedensday, but I have so many pics for Wednesday that you really all need to see my big booty pic today. This pic is now famous world wide.

Glad you loved gordman's. I've been wondering about that place since i noticed we're getting one!!! :) funny big booty pic.
is part III coming soon to a computer near me? :) love you. love the pics. when is the wedding?
I love your facial expression in your picture w/ the dress on
dawson doesnt know where his butt is by now? lol. wow, that dress is really huge...oh ya, and i also really like that orange top of yours, did you get it from gordmans?
Hey...I tagged you on my crafty blog just so you know! Get busy...NOW! Ha!
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