The few days we had left in Colorado after the wedding we spent relaxing. The Conrad's wanted to go to the visitor center at Garden of the Gods because they felt they had to purchase items for the daughters they left behind. I, on the other hand, felt they didn't deserve any souveniers because they don't have straight A's in school. Which is why they got left behind to begin with. JUST KIDDING. Actually, they probably do get straight A's. But I bet they get in trouble for talking in class. I never talked in class in school. Except in Mr. Savchuck's class, whom I called "Chuckbob" (he even signed my yearbook that way) it was an English honors class so there were only a handful of students in that class and I made the teacher laugh. I also got be late to that class and not get in trouble. Why can't that carry over into the working world?
Back to our great adventures at Garden of the Gods. At the visitor center there were leaves on the ground everywhere. We don't have leaves in our back yard at home so I felt this was the perfect time to introduce Dawson to the art of playing in them.
I love playing in the leaves. Jason had to bribe me with chocolate in order to get me to leave.

I also love the smell of leaves burning. Leaves, but not trash.
Dawson wasn't quite getting worn out so we thought it appropriate to conquer and tickle.
Ahh, yes, that's the results we were looking for:
Grandma G, Dawson asks for you everyday, and continually says
"I see Grandma G-2 weeks!"
Followed by:
"I ride airplane!"
Followed by:
"I ride Alligator!"
No worries. Grandma G does not promote the riding of alligators by small children.
That is what Dawson calls the elevator.
Ah, that was so much fun! I miss you guys!
Love, love, love that 1st picture! I am going to have to pose Sydney like that and get her cutie picture! Just call me Copycat. I can take it. :)
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