Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Random Mushroom.

I have horrible handwriting. Did you think this was my handwriting? This is not my handwriting. This is called font. Font could never be my handwriting because it's precise. My handwriting is..."ambiguous" I had to use that word because I found it in the "opposite dictionary".  However, I suppose I can relate to the Apostle Paul when he would tell his peeps that the letter they were reading was written by his own hand. So. Maybe I'll be an apostle someday. I wonder what kind of handwriting Jesus had? I'll bet it was similar to Arial Narrow font with a hint of italics.
I have several pictures I've been meaning to share. On Christmas Eve, Dawson and I made these little things that I don't have a name for. But you take Rolos and put them on a pretzel and put them in the oven and then take them out of the oven and press a pecan on top. What kind of name would you give that? Rolprecan. Yes, I'm sure that's it.
 See the garland on our railing? Jason's idea.
I dont' have anything else to say about these.
 If you pay close attention to this blog you should remember that we had bought Evan a bouncer for his Christmas present.
 He likes it.
Dawson received a nerf gun for Christmas. I'm too lazy to capitalize the N of nerf.
One afternoon, Jason and Dawson disappeared for a crazy long amount of time. I could hear muted, subtle cheers coming from the basement and found them doing this:
 Jason had even drawn a target on the window.
Dawson got a bull's eye. Let's see how I did:
 There are people that exist in this world that would have been amazed and jealous by my eagle eye near sniper awesomeness of the outside edge.
Suddenly, as I was gazing through the dirty window, I remembered The Random Mushroom that is laying, petrified, in the pile of rocks at the bottom left corner of the window well.
I wonder, how did this mushroom get there? I'm done wondering now. You can go on with your lives.

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