We were patiently waiting for Jason's dad to arrive. He flew into Indy from Colorado Springs, rented a car and headed our direction. We knew he should get to our house pretty late on Sunday night. Boy were we excited. But, by now it's about 9:30 p.m. and I'm getting tired. So we decided to pop in Rush Hour to bide our time while we wait...It's about 11:00 p.m. Rush Hour is over and still no call from Greg and I'm falling asleep. So Jason tells me I can go ahead and go to bed if I want to. He went to go call his dad. Of course I can't sleep now! Then I hear Jason saying "Oh! You're in Avilla?" And I see 2 headlights pulling up to house!!
Then it happened...
The following transcripts are provided to you by someone incredibly...wiser
Joy: Look! You're dad's here! (as I'm running gleefully toward the door)
Jason: mumble mumble (I don't remember what he said because by this time I have the door swung wide open and I'm running outside, barefoot, in my pajamas to meet Greg)
Joy: Hi Greg! It's so good to you! blah blah! (I give him a hug) Can I help with your luggage?
Jason: Joy! You left the door wide open (turns off the porch light) and the porch lights are attracting all the bugs! They're coming inside! (He slams the door shut and comes out to meet us. He is barefoot also, and has on only a pair of shorts).
Greg: I only have one bag and my briefcase and that's it so I really don't need much help.
Joy: Oh, okay then, (by now I'm at the door ready to go in)
Jason & Greg: mumble mumble (I really don't hear what they're saying due to the next event)
Jason: What?! You better be kidding.
Joy: No. I'm not kidding. (frantically jiggling the door handle thinking it will open due to my worried tone and strain)
*EDITOR'S NOTE: Who shut the door?...
Jason & Joy: (angrily) This is YOUR fault! It's not My fault! YOU are the one that shut the door! YOU were the one who came outside through the front door! How are we going to get inside? Dawson is inside sleeping! (grumble grumble)
*a few moments pass
Joy: Why don't we just call the police. We'll call the non-emergency line and see if there is anything they can do...

Crime Scene Picture: Door knob after hole drilled through it.
To make a long story short..
Thank goodness for cell phones! Greg called the non-emergency line for the police and they sent somebody over to check on us. Officer K. Houser arrives on the scene. We fill him in and after determining that there is in fact, no other way in, he makes a phone call to the Locksmith.
By now, it's about 11:30 p.m. The locksmith is going to arrive in about 10-15 minutes. After discussing the situation with the cop and laughing about it we notice all the neighbors out on their lawns thinking "oh look, someone was partying harder than us!" While Jason yelled out "it's okay, we locked ourselves out of the house!" The cop informs us that the locksmith is really good and on all the calls he has been too (this gave me some comfort knowing this has happened to other people) they have been able to pick every single lock... (foreshadowing -now our lock!) The locksmith arrives and after about an hour, determines he cannot pick our lock. So he drills a hole trough the lock barrel (see crime scene photo one) opened our door and tells us they (he and his son) will be back sometime tomorrow. It is now 12:30 a.m. I run and check on Dawson who is still sleeping and none-the-wiser.
Monday at 1:30 p.m.
(enter: Earl & Fred)
Yes, his name is Earl and he looks like he stepped out of a silent film into our home, BUT he got our door open. He son Fred, is on the left and they do all their work together.
They fixed the lock.
Thank you Earl and Fred!
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