I received
this last Friday when I came to pick Dawson
up from daycare.

Heather, Dawson’s daycare teacher said she couldn’t tell me who he bit and that
she tried to talk to him about it but it didn’t seem to register. However, Jan
the director, stopped in and she talked to him. So yesterday I went to Jan’s
Me: (say with panicky voice) Jan! Dawson
bit somebody! Is it true? Have I procreated a violent angry child? (I didn’t
say any of that, but it creates drama which sets the mood. What I really said
was): “Well, I heard Dawson had a bad day on Friday”.
Jan: Oh really, what happened?
Me: Well, Heather told me that Dawson
bit another student.
Jan: Oh yeah, that… I went and talked to
him about it. I just looked at him as though I was appalled and said “Dawson!
What did you do?!” and he burst into tears. (awwww) Then I told him that biting
is not nice and I showed him the bite mark on the other child and told him to
say sorry and he did. I could tell he was really remorseful for what he did. I
had to explain to Heather that you just have to look as though you are
mortified that they did something like that or else they won’t listen. *editors
note: Heather looks like an elf. I probably wouldn’t’ be able to listen
to her either) After that, things were all better.
Me: I really hope he bit the kid that
has bitten him 5 or 6 times now! (okay, that’s what I was thinking) Well, I really hope he doesn’t start biting now. I was
worried about that due to all the times he has been bitten by other toddlers
here, because of course, Jason and I don’t bite Dawson at home… (I really did
say that and she laughed).
Jan: Well, you know, biting is common
among toddlers, along with hitting and shoving when they become frustrated
about things. I definitely think he realized what he did was bad, and it won’t
become a problem.
Me: Can we keep this hush hush? Because
when he’s famous someday, people will use this against him.
I’ve had to punish Dawson a few times since then when I thought he was going to bite. But he wasn’t actually biting. I was just trying to nip it in the bud. But it hasn’t been a regular occurrence. If he does this again though, I’m calling supernanny. And I’m telling her it’s Jason’s fault.
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