That statement was what we heard the whole car ride to Cleveleand over Easter weekend. "Mommy!" (sometimes I would ignore him because Jason encouraged me to), and in that case we were greeted with Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, MOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" To which I replied "what". And Dawson would say "semi" very nicely. For all 3,987 of them we saw on the way there. Sometimes he did change it up a bit and proudly proclaimed the presence of an airplane. (That sentence was chock full of alliteration.) Why can't semi drivers become airline pilots?
We stayed at Jason's Uncle Jeff & Aunt Diana's house. We always have fun when we stay there. Fun and way too much food. It was at dinner where Jason found this particular little gem:

That's right. The butt crack grape.
He was very fond of this find. He wants to sell it on ebay for millions. When he turned it over it was even more interesting. It looks like 4 grapes in one:
This is the kind of stuff we do when we go to the Conrad's. We take pictures of grapes that look like butt cracks and then we laugh about it for a long long time.
Here's proof that all we do is eat...
One of the main reason's we wanted to go to Cleveland was because Jason's cousin Gib and his wife Janessa just had their first baby. Isn't he cute stuff?

Dawson thinks little Gibby is cute stuff too.

On Sunday we went to church. Can I just say something about church on Easter Sunday? Don't you feel like you are walking into "The Women's Sunday Best Fashion Show?" The one day of the year where all women must shop for weeks to proudly display their ensemble. Women checking each other out to see if their outfit is better. You've got women walking around in prom dresses. Okay not that bad. I had on my white shirt, black tank top, long necklace, dangly earrings, black dress pants, with my black shoes (with cute buckle on top) and my and my hair was down and curled...But you get the point. Anyway, after church we gave Dawson his easter basket. We wanted him to search for it, and he did, and he found it. It was full of Nemo fruit snack bites (and candy for mommy and daddy) and we put a hot wheels car in there too. Would you believe that Dawson walked right up to the basket when he found it, and reached right for the car and nothing else?? We're talking about a boy he eats all day long if you let him.

So I'll leave you with the videos of the easter basket...