Hip Hip Hooray for Father's Day! Serioiusly. Should I write poetry?
This year Father's Day was extra special because Jason's mom and dad got to be with us. More stories on their visit are coming. And trust me, there are some things you don't want to miss!
Father's day morning I took Dawson and we went to visit my dad. Gramps. or "gwamps" as Dawson calls him.
The 1st few pictures were not actually taken on father's day. It was a week before, but I was at my dad's so I'm including them in with Father's Day pics. I'm the boss. The 2nd half were taken on Father's Day.

Dawson played "pound it" with dad and I watch this video over and over because it makes me laugh.
My dad held the camera up for me for this picture because I kept releasing the battery when I tried. He should be a photographer, don't ya think?
Look at this stinkin adorable outfit that Gramma G and Grandpa Wilkins bought for Dawson. He looks a little too grown up for me though. So he's not allowed to wear it again. just kidding.
When I got home it was time to give Greg and Jason their Father's Day gifts. Greg got a stud finder which curiously began beeping at him. I think it's broken. Jason got a watch, a new IMAX ocean video and about half a cow from this awesome butcher shop that we have near us. We will be eating steak for the next 2 weeks. New York strip to be exact.
Pictures of the father's and sons:
Why are 90% of the pictures of Jason shirtless? Is it drawn out of him because of the area in which we live?
We had a great Father's Day.
I did even though I'm not a dad.
woo!!!! Welcome back to the world of blogging Joy!! I have missed you dearly!haha. Seriously. :)
cute pics! dawson is getting that big boy look. wow! i got your comments. :) i am going away this weekend. i will email you when i get back. i know july 19-25 are out b/c we have family in town then. it is not going to be july anytime soon, though. it just can't be. it just can't. summer is speeding by. grrrr.
I love Dawson's outfit from Grammy & Granpa Wilkins. He looks like he's ready for a trip to "Blue Hawaii"!
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