Jason yelled at me for taking this picture because I nearly got hit by a car. My cause was certainly worth it! Greater love hath no man than he give up his life for his blog.
For those of you who have never been blessed to share in the wonderful past time that is called The Apple Festival, allow me to enlighten, and broaden your horizons.
Let's start with the parking.
There is no place to park.
So you park in the next nearest state and walk.
This is because this place reaches out to the masses. As is clearly evidenced by my picture of food alley. Wait a minute. The whole festival is about food. So is it really an alley?

Try managing your way around that pushing a stroller. I think some stroller wheels had serrated tires.
Many useful pinkie toes were lost on this day.
All the people who run food booths are required to wear pioneer suitable attire.
Which is why I'm still wondering. Does this guy look like a pioneer to you?
Moving on.
My all-time favorite reason I even allow my pinkie toes to go to the Apple Festival is for one item only: Maple Bun Bars. Or Maple Creams, as some call them.
I also allow Jason to stand in line for me for hours to get this precious commodity:

While Jason was in line, I let Dawson much on snacks:

Jason makes it up to the Maple Cream booth. "TWO!" I yell out earnestly. "Buy TWO!"

And if we look into the paper sack with the prized possessions we will see:

Two Maple Creams. Perfect.
Then we come to the next best part:

Friends. These are our two friends the lurkers. Sorry to have to put you second to the Maple Creams guys. Don't be hatin'.
Now it's time for a walk to main street to see what's in store for us there. AND I was also hungry for caramel corn. But we couldn't find any carmal corn ANYWHERE! Hello! Didn't pioneer's have caramal corn for heaven's sake?! I'm still craving caramel corn. Please Advise.
This little video clip straight from the walk to the main street portion of the Apple Festival will end this blog on a very uplifting note.
And the guy singing looks like the Pioneer version of Doc Ock.
I think the guy on the bike looks like Uncle Gil... if he had a beard!
like the guy on the funky looking bicycle...big in the front...that's how I roll!
love apple festival post! i am so sad that you saw my mom and brother, but not me. i feel like we were this close to seeing each other! *sigh* aren't those maple cremes the best! :)
I boycotted the AF this year for the SOLE REASDON of not having Carmel Corn. And I would say you are definately worth getting hit by a car to get a good picture for your blog... wait. Did that come out right? Anyways, we appreciate your deathly manuvers to bring us good pictures. You're the best...
now i see what i have been missing not going to this apple festival! but if they don't even have carmel corn what kind of festival is this? :). glad you had fun and it looked like a beautiful day! love ya!
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