I just got back from the funeral of my best friend's mother.
It's always death that causes people to take a step back and review LIFE isn't it?
What is the meaning of life, have I served my purpose, am I significant?
Have I truly devoted my life, my calling, my all to Jesus who is the only One that will matter when my life on this earth is finished. When I have taken my last breath?
Questions like these rolled through my mind along with tears that rolled down my cheeks on my way back to work from this funeral.
Tears for my friend Mindy who has gone through more in a few months than most people go through in many years worth of time. Her car broke down. Her washer broke. The struggle sometimes to make ends meet.
She has a cat, Art, that farts and it really STINKS.
The loss of a baby she had already called her own.
The loss of her mother...
Let me tell you a little something about my amazing friend Mindy.
At the bottom of each and every email I have gotten from her for YEARS now, is this thing called a "signature". Which is this:
"After he has tested me, I shall come forth as gold!"
Job 23:10
One day after talking her through all the crazy events taking place in her life I flat out asked her,
"Mindy, seriously. Are you looking to come out as platinum
here? Because that's the way your life is headed."
My best friend Mindy is amazing. She has stayed strong through trial after trial. Turning to the One who has made her life significant.
I'm crying now. Please wipe my tears off your screen.
She doesn't know that I'm creating this post nor that I think she deserves a trip to Cozumel. But she does!
And since I'm her friend, I'm thinking she might invite me along by default. Otherwise I'll hold her favorite can of cherry pie filling for ransom.
Editor's note: This post is being submitted to Christian Women Online Magazine so that my friend Mindy can win a trip to Cozumel Mexico. Stay tuned for regularly scheduled and further random submissions about nothing like usual from me.
Editor's note: This post is being submitted to Christian Women Online Magazine so that my friend Mindy can win a trip to Cozumel Mexico. Stay tuned for regularly scheduled and further random submissions about nothing like usual from me.
I just want you to know that I'm a fellow CWO friend who's been browsing the writing entries for the cruise contest. (I haven't gotten brave enough to send up a submission.)
As I read yours, I have tears in my eyes for both your friend Mindy and for you to write so bravely about her.
Your writing is beautiful and descriptive. I LOVE what you said here:
"Please wipe my tears off your screen."
Beautifuly said. :o)
Y'all look like a hoot together with that chocolate fondue, btw. Wish I was going on that cruise...for somehow, I think I'd be meeting you two. :D
In case you want a face to go with this post, you can find me at either www.xanga.com\Gr8fulTexan or my website that I'm still truding away on...
(thank the Lord, that at least my web designing software has spell check. ;o) )
Blessings and Vaya con Dios! (Go with God)
Did you seriously submit that? I am in awe of you! :) (i sure hope that picture wasn't in the submission! ugh! ha!) i love you so much. you have NO idea how much it meant to me that you came. (even though seeing you brought on some major tears!) i'm hoping that soon my ranking for platinum will begin to drop, if you know what i mean. maybe things will even out. but i do know one thing for sure...my mama is dancing on the streets of gold!
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