Dawson had picture day at daycare a few weeks ago.
We received the paper stating the date they were coming to take the pictures and after much deliberation, we decided to send Dawson to daycare in grubby clothes and ask his teacher to be sure he gets changed before the pictures. We packed his good clothes for him and showed her where we put them. We came to this conclusion because no one could tell us what TIME the pictures were going to be taken. Knowing Dawson, he would have his good clothes stained with everything imaginable just in time for pictures.
I felt uneasy about what we decided but I just dropped it because I thought SURELY they would realize Dawson was dressed a bit too homeless for a picture and they would remember to change him.
Jason spoke with the teacher on picture day and specifically laid out the rules.
#1. Change him!
#2. Be sure he tilts his head to the right for the first pose.
#3. Brush his teeth.
Okay, so rules number 1 and 2 I just made up. But he really did ask the teacher to change Dawson and she confirmed that she would.
The following pictures are the result of bad parenting poor parental choices.

I'll take his pictures for you! But really, with those props, he would have looked silly all dressed up! I think his clothes look quite cute :) But I really will take pics if you want to meet up sometime.
Wow - what a story about the pics. He still looks cute though -even if he does look like the next poster child for a Dick's Sporting Goods ad - J/K! I love how creative you guys are with keeping Dawson busy in the house. Sliding on the floor looks way too fun! My Aunt Ruth told me about how my dad & his brother use to smear lard (yes, boo nasty lard - ewe!)on their kitchen floor and slide on it - that is, until my Grandma Janke came in and ended all the fun.
Im sure that if Dawson would have been all dressed up he would have been WAY too cute!!!
Hes adorable anyway. Those pictures are awesome and hes smiling in them all and no red runny nose from being sick...YAY!
wait, you mean to tell me that you guys don't own dick's sporting goods!?!? Man, i was looking foreward to buying some sweet fishing poles!!lol (they do sell those there, right!?)haha. But anyways, Dawson still looks sooo cute in those pictures even if he is dressed like a bum!lol. And i love you guys come up w/ these cool but crazy things to do for Dawson's enjoyment....like his lil rollar coaster ride! I am soo inspired by you and Jason!! :) :) serioulsy...i'm gonna have that much fun w/ my kids one day too, i swear!! ;)
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