On Saturday we got to visit my very good friend (and college roommate) Mindy.
She just had her second baby girl.

I told Mindy's husband Kevin that he should be featured in a magazine for his amazing "phone and holding" skills. I think he was looking something up online. Actually I know he was. That was the time he was looking up Lamar Burton (who is actually LeVar Burton which amazed me because I've always called him Lamar, I was a Reading Rainbow fan when I was 6!) And he was looking him up because I happened to watch an episode of Reading Rainbow that very day, and LeVar had his wife and daughter on the show. Well, I couldnt' see how that could be possible because Jason told me that LeVar Burton was gay.
So Kevin got online to settle the issue.
LeVar Burton is NOT gay. (I win). He is married with one daughter, and during his stint on Star Trek they were going to make his character gay. But that never happened.
That was a great story huh?
As a side note, I'd like to take the time to mention here that Jason refused to hold little miss. He claimed that me asking him to hold her was a conspiracy to convince him to want baby #2 for us.
So at one point during the evening I handed her over to him because I had to put dinner in the oven.
I win.
When we first arrived at their house, Cora had just been woken up from a nap so that she wouldn't miss her Dawson time. Neither of them would speak to each other, or anyone else for a good 10 minutes. Then I told Dawson he could go play with Cora's toys and within minutes sheer chaos ensued:
They have so much fun together. I have just as much time watching them play.
Soon, it was time for dinner. And what do you do before dinner? PRAY.

At least Cora closes her eyes when she prays for her meals. God forgave me for this photographic moment I needed to keep during prayer time.
After dinner, it's time to clean up!
For the rest of the evening, the grown-ups talked and the kids played.

And I continued my explanation to Jason as to why now is a good time for baby #2.
I mean look, Dawson is practically grown up and married off now:

does this mean i will have to scheme up a plan to get jason to hole audrey? cuz i'll do it.
can't wait to see you guys and eat jim's pizza! :)
aawwww!!! they are just sooo cute together!! I think you guys should arrange a marriage...hehe!! :)
I am all in favor for BABY #2!
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