The other day on my way to drop Dawson off at daycare, we were talking about one of his friends who has an older brother. Dawson likes the idea of having an older brother. He said "Mommy, when Mia comes out of aunt Nessa's tummy, will she be my big brother?". Politely I told him no and that she would be his cousin. He had nothing to do with that nonsense and threw a fit the likes of which no parent should ever see. So I conceded and told him that indeed, Mia would be his big brother. I figured I'd let his dad explain that one. I needed to drive.
I wondered how Dawson would do with her when we went to the hospital. He was pretty enthralled. He kept wanting to touch her, but he was very gentle. I asked him if wanted mommy to have one of those someday and he said Yeah. I said "a girl?" No. A boy. But I'm not letting Dawson decide.I will decide.
Dawson spent about 2 minutes with Mia and then spent the rest of his time touching other things in the hospital room he had no business being around. I'm hoping the hospital staff didn't notice that he took the blood pressure gauge off the hook on the wall and tried to flush it down the toilet. that didn't really happen. But it could have.
I couldn't believe how much Mia kept her eyes open. And her cute little nose..Ahhh. What a sweetie.
We love you Mia!
Be a good big brother okay?
Oh my, oh Mia! Ha ha - I came up with that one myself! She is a CUTE-TAY! Congratulations to you all.
Okay Joyous... I gotta ask the obvious. "When? When are you going to have another cute and adorable JasonJoy?" Anytime is good with me by the way. :)
i think she should have another baby in 9 months, right dani???? ;)
she is a cutie pie. when i saw your blog title i thought you were going to blog about that rapper/singer girl named mia. then i thought maybe you were going to blog about missing in action...but then no, i realized you were blogging about a sweetie pie baby whose name is very close to that of someone very near and dear to my heart. is it pronounced the same as my little sweetums?
ahhh!!! I still can't believe Jenessa had a baby! It's soo exciting!! :) I can't wait to eventually come and see her one day! And Dawson is just too funny!! Maybe it's a sign that you guys need to have another kid Joy!!lol Oh, and you look cute in the last picture by the way!!
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