First order of business: A HUGE shout out to my husband for my new most excellent blog header! Isn't it lovely? It only took 24 hours to complete and I'll spare you the details. But I love it! Yay.
We aren't the type to take vacation on Spring Break. You know those kind. The awesome one's. We're more what you call, extremely cool, which is just shy of awesome. But this year I was needing a break. A break during spring. So we set out for a two night stay in Salida, CO. It's not considered to be a ski town, but people who ski stay there because it's a short jaunt to Monarch Mountain which is a popular skiing destination for those who can't afford Vail or Aspen. By afford I mean you won't charge the trip to a credit card and then ask Dave Ramsey how to pay it off before you retire. We haven't gone skiing since moving to Colorado. Hey! Maybe I can win a ski trip!
We're off!
Take a look at this action. That's right! 78 degrees on our road trip. Which lasted until we got to Salida. But still.
Views from the drive. I was bored because I finished the book my sister gave me.
Everyone needs a selfie in the rear view mirror of the car. Just don't do it while you're driving. No wait. Try it. Let's see what happens.
As soon as we got to the hotel, we just dumped our stuff and walked downtown to find food, which was only a mile or so away. See. Here's a shadow of me carrying Evan while taking pictures of Jason and Dawson walking. Creative I tell you.
We passed this house which looks like a mini version of the house we called "The Old House" where I grew up. Legend has it that the house was haunted. I also heard rumors that one or two of my sisters walked around inside it after it was abandoned. I wish I had a picture of that house. It has since been remolded, which means the ghosts are probably stuck behind the new dry wall and can't get out!
We ate Amicas, a fun little pizza joint. You can call them if you want.
The boys were not keen on my desire to photograph the entire 2 days.
It was nearing dark by the time we walked back so we went back to the hotel and called it a night. Poor Evan. We had to bring his breathing treatments along because he was having a rough time sleeping at night due to his cold. That has now become MY problem. Boo.
The History Channel wanted to know "What was the Republic Carrying"? Did anyone watch that show? I really want to watch all the episodes of "LostHistory". Just sayin.
The following morning, I thought it was a great idea to capture our surroundings from our hotel window.
Dawson kept begging me to watch HSN now that he knows his mom is famous from calling them.
We went for another walk to pass some time before going to the Salida Hot Springs Aquatic Center .

If you listen carefully, you can hear the swing squeak.
The Salida Hot Springs Aquatic Center is an indoor recreation center that has water piped in from hot springs 5 miles away in the Rocky Mountains. And now Jason is annoyed that I keep asking him to let us do that. I don't see any reason we can't dig until we find hot springs.This large lap pool is kept at around 83 degrees and I thought I would go into hypothermic shock after getting into it from the 100 degree pool.
This picture is actually of Dawson and Evan in the pool at our hotel but I crack up seeing Evan in goggles. So I'm inserting it.

And... that was all we did. Really. We were only there for 2 days. So.
I did snap a picture of this cool shed-barn (sharn?) that was right beside our hotel. I love old buildings. Especially if they're abandoned. Maybe I should be a squatter.