For me.
Saturday was a crazy day for our household. Jason had a fundraising event -the "Bowl-athon" and his coworker was sick so he asked me to help out. This also meant that unless I could find a babysitter, I would be bringing Dawson along which could make things interesting.
Once Dawson and I arrived at the bowling alley we (I use that term loosely here) helped Jason get all set up, and Jason asked me if I would be willing to mcee the event so that he and Steph could take care of the fundraising sheets and crunch numbers.
This meant that I would need to keep the bowlers entertained and also call out names for door prizes.
Let me tell ya, I have found my calling.
I was cracking people up.
Okay, so maybe I was being quite the dork, but I was under a bit of pressure and being the animated person I am, I couldn't refuse to burst out in song just a few times.
Meanwhile, Dawson was somehow managing to get unsuspecting bowlers to give him candy.
Not only that, but I gave him some, Steph gave him some, and the girl who was helping me pass out candy to bowlers who got strikes, spares, gutter balls or otherwise "never had dye touch their hair" (or whatever such predicament I could demise in order for them to claim chocolate) was also handing Dawson candy on the sly.
All of that to say, Dawson was a crazy,rambunctious, incessant talker the rest of the day.
I know, who would've thought he would talk incessantly while under the influence of sugar? I don't know where he gets it.
So, after the first bowling session was over, my duties as emcee were finished and Dawson and I headed over to my mom's house to go out to eat. The whole way to my mom's house (a 25 minute drive) Dawson repeatedly said various versions of the following phrase.
"Gramma KK has race car for me, OK?"
"Look Mommy! Semi!"
"Where's my airplane?"
"I want my blanket"
"Gramma KK has race care for me, OK?"
To which I would reply "ok" to see if he would give me peace
Indeed he didn't.
I was about to call my mom, ask her to go buy Dawson a race car and allow her the privilege of having Dawson for the night. But he calmed down once we got there. We had a great time with gramma KK, and Aunt Nita and Jose gave Dawson a tiny piece of gum which he amazingly chewed the entire night.
Then it was time to head home.
On the way home he picked right up where he left off. Only this time he rambled on with something along the lines of this:
"Mommy! You stand in time out! I drive school bus!"
I just wanted to get home.
Now, once Jason sees my new holiday themed header he is going to wonder what on earth I am thinking. He has said a thousand times
"you are going to wait until Thanksgiving to put that up right?"
But he knows me by now.
I am so stinking excited for Christmas and it's snowing today and the holiday cheer is just busting at the seams waiting for me to explode in Christmas wonder.
Or something like that.
And that is the story of why I couldn't wait to get my holiday header up.
Thanks for listening.