You may be wondering why I am only just now blogging about Christmas cookies. Well, it's because I'm late. I've had other more important things to post such as 2 year pictures, and besides my Christmas cookies that I thought were santa's turned out to really be pumpkins. What humliation! It's taken me a long time to get over it. Now that it's a new year and all, I'm looking up and forward. So I can post about humiliating things that have happened in the past. Such as thinking the cookie cutter was a santa head, when come to find out, it was a pumpkin! Guess you'll just have to take a look at these mighty tasty cookies that we didn't eat to find out...
See, if you turn the pumpkin VERTICAL it looks like a Santa face, and the stem of the pumpkin is part of his hat. But if the Santa is turned HORIZONTAL you can definately tell that santa is really not a santa at all, but instead a halloween decorative cookie cutter pumpkin. How was I to know? The candy canes kept falling apart! And stars? How are stars Christmas-y? Well, except for the one great star that shone bright for the shepherds to find Jesus. But that was not a cookie star.

Anyway, most of these cookies did not get eaten. I think they were too flour-y tasting. I did use a recipe I had from a cookie cookbook. I'm guessing the cook author likes flour. Or maybe the editor made a typo
At any rate, today is a snow day. The community in which I work is all out playing while I'm inside writing about cookies. I could be at home, in my bed, in my pj's, (will someone please send a letter to my office stating that wearing pj's to work on snow days can actually increase production?) and reading a good book while drinking Starbucks Pepperming Mocha. With whipped cream. Full fat. On a side note, actually this whole post is a side note, I had a coupon for a free skinny latte. So I tried one. Hated it. Give me all the fat you can pack into that cup! That should be one of the quotes they put on the back of their cup. I think that's all I have to say for today. Lucky you. Let's see what Dawson was doing on cookie day...