I told my sisters I would post pictures of our house. Our illegitimate house because... technically we don't own it yet. But when you're this excited, who cares? By the way, I'm doing this post while watching Phineas and Ferb, so I can't account for anything I write.

View of the front of the house. This is actually a picture of a picture on a flyer. I know, got desperate when I realized I never took a picture of the front of the house on the day I took all the pictures.

Dining room. I actually like the green color! At this current time, we have no kitchen table and chairs because we sold them before we moved. Once again, I don't like having carpet where we eat, and therefore would like hardwood floor. It has been stinking cold all day today outside. Sorry, that is completely unrelated, but I felt it was note worthy.

The second view of the kitchen is taken from the family room. What is the difference between a living room and a family room? One thing is for sure, we will not have furniture for one of them. So I guess we'll put the furniture we do have in the room with the fireplace. We have a fireplace! A wood burning fireplace! I am beside myself with glee.

The second view of the family room is taken from the upstairs. We have a ceiling fan! I'm beside myself with glee.

Master bedroom.

5 piece master bath. What are the 5 pieces, anyway?!

Spare bedroom 1 which looks exactly like spare bedroom 2 which is why I only took a picture of one of them. This one will be Dawson's room.

Dawson's bathroom which is just down the hall from him. I'm going to teach him to clean it.

Stairs. Most exciting picture.

We have a basement! The ugly carpet and ugly chair will not save me during the event of a tornado, and therefore they will not stay when I move in. Did you know I have a recurring dream about tornadoes? I'm always saved, but I have to go my neighbors childhood neighbors house and go to their cellar. True story.
And now it's time for pictures of the back yard. Which is amazing!

We have a deck! I'm beside myself with glee.

We have a shed! Jason is beside himself with glee.

The amazing landscaped back yard. Ahhh..