Saturday, my Aunt Jerri pulled off a huge shindig. I like that word. Shindig.
So I thought I’d use it. She decided she wanted the whole family to get
together and have food and a bonfire at my grandma’s house. So we did. I have
proof. There are pictures. My aunt Jerri his just one of many of my mom’s
sisters. She did a great job of putting this all together. Kudos to you auntie.
First, we
stuffed ourselves. We all brought a dish to share which included but was not
limited to, sloppy joes (I feel sorry for my cousin Joe, because his name is
Joe and there is a food nefariously named after him) and there was this cheese
dip that I don’t know how made it but it
was yummy and Karen love this strawberry pretzel stuff that my aunt Ruthie
made. I had a pepsi.
Really, I
have a good looking family. Thank you very much.
I have a
good story about my aunt Bev that my sister Karen told us.. She remembers being
young and going somewhere (she can’t remember where) with my Aunt Bev. She
thinks they were delivering some treats called “snow on the mountain” to the
church or something like that. ( for the record, I have never heard of a food
dish called ‘snow on the mountain’ but sounds tasty). The snow on the mountain
are wedged in tight between Aunt Bev and Karen. They’re driving along and aunt
Bev SLAMS on the brakes! The snow on the mountain tumbles in to the crack of
the seat. Forlorn, Karen looks at aunt Bev wondering what to do. Aunt Bev says “oh
no! My Snow on the Mountain are down in the valley!” We all just died laughing.
But Aunt Bev said she doesn’t remember that story. I love it.
Here’s a
picture of mom and Dawson before he tried to win his freedom.

Can you
look much more alike than that? That’s my mom and my aunt Iney!
Karen was
full of stories! She told us another one that has my Aunt Ruthie very bitter.
My grandma had this plastic bunny on a stake that she would stick in the ground
around Easter time. The bunny had it’s hands in the air so it could hold
something if you set it there. Every hear at easter grandma would have an
easter egg hunt and hide an egg on the bunny altar. Karen found the egg there
every year and kept it a secret so she always won the prize for finding the
most eggs! How nefarious of her! I, of course, was not even born, let alone
thought of and therefore never got to hunt easter eggs or send snow mountains
to their death down in the valley. Instead, I got my teddy bear stolen from me
by my cousin Ponsonby-Chmerkovsky when all I was doing was letting it swim!
Good thing I don’t remember that bear.
I have a
good family.